Patagonia Upper West Side

Celebrating Two Decades of Environmental Stewardship

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Patagonia’s Upper West Side shop, Commence Studio collaborated with the Patagonia NYC team to create custom illustrations and tear sheets. This project aimed to highlight Patagonia’s two decades of partnership with environmental non-profits in the NYC area and to depict the rich history of the Upper West Side.





New York City, NY

Business type



Capturing Two Decades of Environmental Impact and Community Engagement

Patagonia needed a creative way to commemorate their 20-year presence on the Upper West Side and their ongoing efforts to “save our home planet.” The challenge was to design elements that told the story of their environmental work, celebrated their partnerships with local non-profits, and illustrated the historical context of the area.


Designing Custom Illustrations and Tear Sheets for an Engaging Celebration

Custom Illustration

Reflecting History and Environmental Impact Commence Studio designed custom illustrations that depicted the vibrant history of the Upper West Side and Patagonia’s significant environmental impact. These illustrations highlighted key moments and partnerships over the past two decades, capturing the essence of Patagonia’s mission and values.

Tear Sheets Celebrating Partnerships and Achievements We created tear sheets that showcased Patagonia’s collaborations with various environmental non-profits in the NYC area. Each tear sheet highlighted specific projects and achievements, providing a tangible and engaging way to celebrate Patagonia’s community involvement and environmental advocacy.

Event Design

Creating a Cohesive Anniversary Experience To ensure a cohesive and memorable anniversary celebration, we integrated the custom illustrations and tear sheets into the event design. This included in-store displays, promotional materials, and digital content that told the story of Patagonia’s 20-year journey on the Upper West Side.


Highlighting Patagonia’s Commitment to Environmental Advocacy

The custom illustrations and tear sheets created by Commence Studio effectively communicated Patagonia’s long-standing commitment to environmental stewardship. The project not only celebrated Patagonia’s 20-year milestone but also reinforced their mission to protect the planet and support local non-profits.

Engaging the Community The anniversary celebration engaged the local community and Patagonia’s customer base, fostering a deeper connection to the brand and its values. By highlighting their environmental impact and partnerships, Patagonia reinforced its role as a leader in sustainability and community engagement.


A Memorable 20th Anniversary Celebration

The collaboration with Commence Studio resulted in a successful and memorable 20th anniversary celebration for Patagonia’s Upper West Side shop. The custom illustrations and tear sheets provided a visually compelling narrative of Patagonia’s environmental efforts and community partnerships over the past two decades.

Client Testimonial “Working with the Commence Studio team allowed us to beautifully capture our 20-year journey on the Upper West Side and celebrate our commitment to environmental advocacy. The custom illustrations and tear sheets were a perfect tribute to our history and our mission to save our home planet.”


Celebrating Milestones Through Creative Storytelling

The Patagonia Upper West Side anniversary project exemplifies how creative storytelling can celebrate significant milestones while reinforcing a brand’s core values. Commence Studio’s work highlighted Patagonia’s environmental achievements and community partnerships, creating a lasting impact and inspiring continued commitment to sustainability and advocacy.

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