Blackbird Logistics

Branding a Cannabis Logistics Company

Commence Studio partnered with Blackbird Logistics, a pioneering cannabis logistics company, to design a comprehensive brand identity and develop engaging brand campaigns and merchandise. Our goal was to establish a strong and recognizable presence in a tightly regulated and rapidly evolving industry. The designs knocked their socks off. Pun intended.





Reno, NV


Business type



New Market, New Territory

Blackbird Logistics faced the challenge of being the first to market in a new and burgeoning cannabis industry that is heavily regulated. Previously positioned as a courier service, they needed a robust brand identity to differentiate themselves and ensure they stood out in the market for years to come.


Online and Offline Brand Collateral

Brand Identity

Commence Studio developed a distinctive and memorable brand identity for Blackbird Logistics. The new identity encapsulates the company’s innovative spirit and commitment to quality service in the cannabis logistics industry. This included designing a logo, color scheme, typography, and visual elements that reflect the brand’s values and market positioning.

Campaign Design

We created comprehensive brand campaigns to promote Blackbird Logistics’ services and strengthen their market presence. The campaigns were designed to resonate with their target audience, emphasizing reliability, innovation, and compliance with industry regulations.

Retail Point of Purchase Displays

To enhance visibility and engagement at retail locations, we designed effective point of purchase displays. These displays were crafted to attract attention, provide essential information about Blackbird Logistics’ services, and facilitate customer interaction.

Photo Campaigns

Our team conducted photo campaigns to capture high-quality images that showcase Blackbird Logistics’ operations, team, and services. These images were utilized across various marketing materials, including the website, social media, and promotional content, to create a compelling visual narrative.

Event Merchandise Design

Commence Studio designed a range of event merchandise to promote Blackbird Logistics at industry events and trade shows. The merchandise included branded apparel, accessories, and promotional items that reinforced the brand identity and provided valuable marketing touchpoints.


The rebranding and marketing efforts by Commence Studio have positioned Blackbird Logistics as a leader in the cannabis logistics industry. The strong brand identity, engaging campaigns, and effective retail and event presence have significantly enhanced their market visibility and customer engagement. This robust foundation ensures that Blackbird Logistics stands out in a competitive and regulated market for years to come.

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Let us help your brand's personality shine through!

Selling your products or services becomes a heck of a lot easier when your brand identity clearly defines who you are and what you care about and speaks directly to the people that you want to connect with.