Elevating a Big Data Streaming Platform’s Brand Identity, a leading big data streaming platform, sought to elevate its amateur look and feel to better align with its advanced technological offerings. Commence Studio partnered with to enhance their design systems, create distinct product identities for Base, Cloud, and Academy, and develop a robust marketing website targeting data engineers using Pulsar and Apache frameworks.





United States


Business type



Transforming an Amateur Brand into a Professional and Cohesive Identity needed a brand overhaul to match its sophisticated big data streaming solutions. The challenge was to create a cohesive and professional brand identity that resonated with data engineers and reflected the platform’s capabilities. Additionally, distinct product identities and hierarchy for StreamNative Base, StreamNative Cloud, and StreamNative Academy were required to clearly communicate the unique value propositions of each offering. A robust and engaging marketing website was also necessary to enhance their online presence.


Developing Professional Design Systems and Distinct Product Identities

Developing Professional Design Systems, Distinct Product Identities, and a Comprehensive Marketing Website

Brand Identity

Professional and Cohesive Design Systems Commence Studio developed a new brand identity for, focusing on a clean, professional, and modern look. The design systems incorporated elements that reflect the platform’s technological sophistication and reliability, appealing directly to data engineers and IT professionals.

Product Identities and Hierarchy

Creating Distinct Identities for Base, Cloud, and Academy We created distinct product identities for StreamNative Base, StreamNative Cloud, and StreamNative Academy. Each product was given a unique visual identity while maintaining a cohesive overall brand aesthetic. This differentiation helps users quickly understand the purpose and benefits of each product, enhancing user experience and engagement.

Visual Elements and Color Palette

Elevating Visual Appeal with a Modern Color Palette A modern and vibrant color palette was introduced to differentiate StreamNative’s products and services. StreamNative Base, Cloud, and Academy each received a distinct color scheme that aligns with their respective functions, ensuring visual clarity and consistency across all brand materials.

Web Design and Development

Creating an Engaging Marketing Website Commence Studio designed and developed a comprehensive marketing website for The site features a clean and intuitive layout that highlights the platform’s capabilities and product offerings. Key sections include detailed product pages for Base, Cloud, and Academy, customer success stories, technical resources, and an informative blog. The website is optimized for both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Targeting Data Engineers

Tailoring the Brand to Technical Audiences The brand overhaul was designed with data engineers in mind, focusing on clear, concise, and technically sophisticated visual elements. The new brand identity speaks directly to professionals using Pulsar and Apache frameworks, highlighting StreamNative’s expertise and reliability in the big data streaming space.


Elevated Brand Identity and Enhanced Online Presence

The rebranding and design enhancements by Commence Studio significantly elevated’s market presence. The professional and cohesive brand identity resonated well with data engineers and IT professionals, reinforcing StreamNative’s position as a leader in big data streaming solutions.

The distinct product identities for StreamNative Base, Cloud, and Academy provided clarity and improved user engagement, making it easier for customers to understand and utilize the platform’s offerings. The new visual elements and color palette enhanced the overall brand appeal, making more competitive in the technology sector.

The newly developed marketing website effectively communicates StreamNative’s value propositions, educates potential customers, and drives engagement. The optimized user experience and comprehensive information provided on the site have positioned for sustained growth and success in the big data streaming industry.

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Let us help your brand's personality shine through!

Selling your products or services becomes a heck of a lot easier when your brand identity clearly defines who you are and what you care about and speaks directly to the people that you want to connect with.