Make shit happen

Our Way

More than just a handshake

How we do

Team Work


We strive to inspire our industry and the people we work with.


We find greater vision through the cultivation of our craft.


Our solutions are the vehicles that deliver resounding impact.

We are passionate at Commence
Design Principles

Design Principles

Make rules, to break them

We believe in

Continuous Education

Rigor & disruption. We must always cultivate our craft with enthusiasm. Share the knowledge and make the time to coach one another.

Death to ego

Be humble, no assholes. This work isn't for Dribbble or your personal art show. Design for the goal of the client's greater good. Own it and be proud.

Lead by example

Have confidence, move forward with courage. We all go the extra mile, inch by inch.

Strength in Team

We're a team. And our clients are apart of that team. Great work comes from collaboration, and we expect you to contribute.

Measure twice, cut once

Think big and bold. Take risks, fail. Go back to the drawing board and learn from your mistakes.

Leave it better than you found it

Be socially and environmentally conscious of the work we produce. Our legacy depends on making better decisions today.